The Gift of Motherhood

I never knew what it felt like to be a mom until the morning sickness sent me racing to the restroom, clutching the toilet, and relieving my nauseated insides.

I hoped motherhood would be worth it.

I never knew what it felt like to be a mom until sweeping pains across my stomach signaled the beginning of contractions promising the soon-to-be birth of a new family member.

I hoped motherhood would be worth it.

I never knew what it felt like to be a mom until that cheesy baby found her way to my breast, suckling for all she was worth. She’d found her source of nourishment outside the womb. The following days of pain and cracking and applications of ointment to the tenderest areas proved an imminent change both to my body and our lives.

I hoped motherhood would be worth it.

I never knew what it felt like to be a mom until I held a slippery baby in the sink, washing away her dirt and my worries, welcoming the return of that fresh baby scent wrapped in a little hooded towel.

I hoped motherhood would be worth it.

I never knew what it felt like to be a mom until those chunky legs crawling across the floor gave way to shaky legs finding a firm foundation and taking baby steps across the room. Nothing was off limits anymore to the vast curiosity of a growing baby.

I hoped motherhood would be worth it.

I never knew what it felt like to be a mom until my heart nearly burst when she said her first word. Or when she used those words later to declare her love for me and her daddy. Or when she used her words to later disagree or declare her independence.

I hoped motherhood would be worth it.

I never knew what it felt like to be a mom until soft little arms slid around my neck and a small body plopped in my lap for story-time and snuggles. When she demanded the same story 42 times and could act out every part word for word, I embraced it.

I hoped motherhood would be worth it.

I never knew what it felt like to be a mom until the Lord blessed us with baby after baby until our family reached a total of eight. If I’d thought my finite love must be divided, I was wrong. I’ve experienced that love multiplying over and over until each child knew how perfect and welcome they were in our family, a blessed gift from God.

I watched the Lord weave together our family, one baby at a time and then two at a time, until we resembled a colorful quilt, each square unique in its own way, each bright and beautiful and boasting of potential.

This is motherhood.

Experiencing the joy of the Lord through the miracle of birth and being fully present to watch in fascination as He grows each one into someone incredible with talents and gifts and love abounding.

Are the tough times worth it? The sassiness? The disrespect? The challenging of our parental authority?


Motherhood is worth it.

Motherhood, with all of the rough times accompanied by the rewarding, is the greatest gift and I’m honored and humbled to be a part of this journey. 

To all of you moms, moms-to-be, moms-in-waiting, and moms who have stepped in to love the motherless, thank you for the love and sacrifice, treasures and talents, and time you’ve poured into your family.

Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. Linda Lemery says:

    I just now found your site and love it!!
    I love your Mother’s Day writing, Amanda!!
    What a God-gift you have with words!!
    I’m signing up for your site and look forward to all I will find in the days to come!!
    Also sharing it with my daughter-in-law who also home schools!!
    Thank you for sharing in the midst of raising 6 precious children!!
    May I make just one suggestion? I find it very difficult to read what you write in that soft blue/green color. I like the change of color from black text but wondering if others are having the same issue.

    • Amanda Wells says:


      I’m so glad you found me! I always love meeting new people and your sweet words are especially encouraging. Thank you!

      Hmm…I will ask my sister-in-law (my technical person) how to fix the lighter words because I don’t have a clue. Thanks for pointing it out to me!

      Thank you again! You’ve brought joy into my life today. 💙

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