The Moment I Knew I Loved You

  From your cowboy boots to your slow smile, you had my heart from the beginning. Your country roots showed when you opened doors or opened your mouth with a “ma’am.” Respect rang out in your voice whether you spoke with adults or kids and you gave everyone your full attention. You made the most out of every situation. But mostly, you loved the Lord first. It didn’t matter we weren’t officially dating for long before you declared your undying love. I brushed it off and agreed to a second date. You persisted and I considered. But then I left for the summer. Everyone wondered why I didn’t tell you except I’d agreed to a job and I didn’t think we were that serious. It was fun while it lasted. Except you followed me. On one of my weekends off, you drove from Florida to Pennsylvania just for a date night. You’d packed a picnic supper and said you’d found the perfect spot. We drove to a nearby pond and you spread out the blanket and our meal. Something smelled off to me. Sniffing, I kept looking around and discovered a sign reading “Dog Park.” Except this one didn’t have doggie bags for animal clean-up so the owners just left the piles. We’d just so happened to sit our picnic right on top of one of them. You looked surprised and disappointed for half a second. Then you blew it off and we moved to a different spot. It was then that I knew I loved you. If you could take a stinky situation and make the best of it and even laugh it off, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You haven’t changed.

For better or worse

We’ve spent fourteen years together and experienced a lot of the “worst” from “for better or worse,” but you always manage to spin it in such a way that we learn from it and laugh it off. You’re naturally positive, seeking the best in every situation. You see the good in people and the learning experiences in the rough times. It’s because of the Lord. You’ll always be a good ‘ole country boy, but mostly you’re the Lord’s man. When you continue trusting Him in all things, I learn a little more about faith. I’m glad our six kids have you for a father because you’re the best. I’ve loved you from the start and a little more every single day. Happy birthday, babe. <3   

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