Something more: a testimony of God’s love

  Last Sunday, we were challenged by our pastor to post a video or written testimony of our salvation story. Here’s mine. By April Beck

I was raised in a baptist church with a proud heritage and sense of pride in ourselves as a people. I learned all the Bible stories and knew all the right things to say. Basically, I learned to behave like a Christian. I was a “good” girl that always did the right thing; mostly.

 Fast forward to college, my father died shortly after I returned to school during my sophomore year after I returned from Christmas break. To say this rocked my world was an understatement. This shattered my world. All the underlying thoughts and doubts of my faith came running to the surface. The emptiness overwhelmed me.

I wish I can say I turned to my faith in my darkest days at that time, but I didn’t because I truly didn’t know the Lord. I had book knowledge of Him. After time went on, depression set in. I was spiraling and not a single person knew. I learned to wear the mask that said I’m fine and I’m happy. I returned to school and I was strong for everyone else.

Fast forward to some time later in college, I found myself in a hotel room with some college choir friends that were also Christians. We were on one of our many university trips to tour and sing. We had a prayer night and I just prayed it all out. I cried out to God and asked Him to truly save my life, because I could not continue the way I was going. There had to be something more. Life was overwhelming me full time. I was tired of feeling depressed and lonely. I was tired of trying to find comfort in people and things that constantly failed me.

 This may be weird for some, but when I cried out for God to save me, I literally felt like what I can only describe physically, as a spiritual change in my soul. I felt like darkness was being ripped from my soul and replaced with light and peace. God had shown Himself to me in a way I had never experienced Him. I knew He was real from that point on and that He saved me that night. I’ve never been the same since. All the Bible stories and how I learned to “act” like a Christian now meant something more than just that. It’s now a way of being because I “want” to, not because it’s expected of me.

Life still brings death, disappointments, sadness, etc, but the difference is now I have a supernatural peace and a mighty God that promised never to leave or forsake me. I can walk in victory through the life and death of Jesus Christ.

 I am a Christian, a sinner saved by grace through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am a new creature in Him. Praise, praise, praise the Lord!!
April Beck is a homemaker, foster/adoptive mom, and stay-at-home mom. She enjoys She Reads Truth Bible reading plans & devotions, crafting, scrapbooking, shopping, event planning, and decorating. April has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and some coursework in professional counseling. She loves serving in women’s ministry, music ministry, and mentoring younger women. Her favorite verse right now is Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.”

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