My last daughter: If I would’ve known…

When life surprises us, we can struggle against it or fight for it. The surprise of a second daughter turned out to be the most beautiful gift ever.

If I’d known you were my last daughter, I might not have cried at that telling sonogram. I might’ve rejoiced over one more girl before a slew of boys. I would’ve carried that bloated belly a little higher, a little lighter, a little longer.

If I’d known you were my last daughter, I might’ve dressed you in pink more and fought for the bow right. Instead, you won and your hair fell in your face. I didn’t truly mind.

If I’d known you were my last daughter, I wouldn’t have changed a thing because I didn’t know then what I know now. You are absolutely precious just the way you are.

Who You Are

You’re always the first to laugh at my jokes and the first to try to make me laugh when I’m having a rough day.

You’re my fiercely independent take-charge kind of girl who rallies the troops to get the job done. But you still snuggle with me at the end of the day when we curl up for reading time because you’ll always be my baby girl.

You’re my spirited, friendly kind of girl who makes everyone feel welcome and seeks out the loners, noticing and loving on them.

You’re my cleaning whirl of a girl who tackles our chaos and turns it into order. You’re a girl after your mama’s own heart. You’re my personal in-house mini version of Marie Kondo. 😉

You’re my bookworm, always losing yourself in books only to find yourself in the midst of adventures across the world. Whether in words or actions, you’re my fearless baby girl.

You’re our encourager, constantly cheering on Team Wells. Whether it’s schoolwork or sports, if you’re not in the game, you’re on the sidelines speaking life and sparking steps into us.

You’re funny and charming and beautiful. Your brothers and sister love you and your parents adore you. You’re one of us. Whatever happens in life, you’ll always have a home in us.

You’re my angel-hair, daughter of the King. You’re the girl who wakes up and opens your Bible before your feet hit the floor to spend time with Jesus before you spend time with the rest of us. You love because you are first loved by God.

 I Wouldn’t Have Changed a Thing

If I would’ve known you were my last daughter, I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Baby girl, this life is a wonderful gift of God. Sometimes earth is a painful place to live but don’t ever forget your first love. Don’t forget the One you run to every morning, the one who gives you breath, the very reason you live. Because when life is hard, find comfort in the Lord. His promises are true. When you need it, He is an ever-present help in trouble. He’ll never leave you, baby girl.

Don’t ever let anyone change you. You embrace that beautiful personality and all the wonderful character and qualities God placed in you before you were born and you use them, baby girl. You keep bringing him glory and honor and using your time and talents for Him. Keep laughing. Keep encouraging. Keep loving. Even when it’s hard.

You are truly a gift from God and we delight in you. We love you.

Happy birthday, baby girl. 💓

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