Funniest Family Bloopers of 2018


This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

One thing we do a lot of around here is laugh. At ourselves. Or each other. At whatever we can.

On particularly rough days when we really don’t feel like laughing, we find clips from our favorite comedians to keep us in stitches before going to bed with sour attitudes. It always manages to make us crack smiles at the end of the day.

But on most days, we don’t have to find clips. We have in-house comedians made up of our family of eight. I keep a running log of hilarious things they say and do in the notes section of my phone and periodically email it to myself so I don’t lose them.

I tell myself I’ll need them to get through the teen years but the truth is, they’re just so darn funny, I want to make sure they’re in a safe place so I can read them later!

So I searched those notes for the funniest family bloopers of 2018 and here’s what I came up with—

(Everyone searching frantically for sock basket before church)
Jet: (carries in sock basket)
Me: Jet! Why didn’t you speak up sooner and tell us you had them?
Jet: (whirls finger in air) well, with all the commode in here?
Me: what?
Jet: no one could hear me over all the commode!
#commotion 🤣


Those Darn Brains

4-year-old: how long until doctors take my brain off?
Me: Umm, hopefully never!
4-year-old: I don’t want this brain on my arm anymore!
(He meant the brace on his broken arm lol)

Allergies Beware

While we waited at the children’s orthopedic office for a cast removal, the nurse asked if I was aware of any allergies my six-year-old may have. He doesn’t. My son quipped, “Actually, I’m allergic to cow patties!”

And that was the last time he was allowed to speak in public.

Farming to prevent starving

My eight-year-old confided in me last night. “What I really want to be when I grow up is a football player but I’m just gonna have to be a farmer so people don’t starve.”

Technology for lunch

After a particularly rough morning, I felt annoyed with the kids and ready for a break. After lunch, I told them, “Now you be quiet and lay down while I go eat my phone!”

Money on fire

My six-year-old pulled out his wallet. “You see that thin spot right there?” He pointed to one of the appliqué trains where I didn’t see a thin spot. “That’s my money burning a hole in my wallet!”

Like father, like daughter

Daughter: Mama, are you the one who ties knots in the bread bags?

Me: No, I hate that. Twist tie it up so someone doesn’t rip the bag to pieces when they need bread.

Daughter: Must be Daddy. (Knots bag and leaves on the counter. Walks away.)

A job well done

Me: Son, are you proud of your job doing your chore? I’m about to check!

Son: It’s done, but I gotta be proud of it? I better go back….

Dye-ing for dinner

Five-year-old: For dinner, I want a hot dog with no bun and some red dye. Me: (Barely pays attention. Probably rolled eyes.)

I should’ve paid closer attention to him because I later found him sucking red sweet water from the hummingbird feeder.


Ford Tough

Nine-year-old: When I can drive, I’m probably not going to buy a Nissan. It’ll be a Ford truck that I drive. Wanna know what the weakest truck is? A Chevy Silverado.

A Delirious Daughter Instead

On a trip to visit my Grandma, my daughter announced to her siblings, “Ok y’all, be good when we see Grandma ‘cuz she’s delirious.” Bless her little heart, she meant dementia.

Living Confused

One morning, I decided to use the lesson for the women’s Bible Study group as our family devotion. I told the kids to stop me right away if there was anything confusing they didn’t understand. Instantly, one of the twins piped up, “I’m infused already!”

Tricked by the Twins

One of the twins came in my bathroom one morning as I was getting dressed to tell me his big brother gave him money and it was on my counter. There was a dollar on the bathroom counter so I handed it to him thinking it must’ve been his. He laid a nickel next to my sink and ran out with the dollar, whispering loudly to his twin that I just gave him a DOLLAR. Somehow, I think I’ve been swindled.

Easy like Sunday Morning

The funniest part of Sunday mornings is listening to the kids ask each other, “How do I look?”

And hearing their answers…


“Looking good!”

“You don’t look handsome until you put pants on!”

Why yes, that probably helps.

The Nourishment of Our Bodies

One of my sons particularly likes praying at meal times. He always closes asking God to make our food the nursery of our bodies.

Butts Up

One of my girls likes cuddling, so one evening when we were at my in-law’s home next door watching Hallmark, we were sitting super close. Leaning over, she whispered, “Can you scoot over? Your butt’s in my stomach.”

I rolled my eyes, “So? Your butt was in my stomach for 9 months.” She died.

She thinks I’m funny. 😉

Santa Screwed Up

The kids woke up one morning, a week or so before Christmas, and saw the wrapped gifts for our extended family under the tree for the gift exchange that evening. They didn’t look at the tags, just stared at it from the other side of the couch and whispered, “Santa must’ve gotten the day wrong!”

Wrong Feet

On the way home from our destination vacation, we stopped for restroom breaks. I noticed my son’s shoes. “Tanner, your shoes are on the wrong feet.”

He looked down at his shoes and retorted, “No, my feet are on the wrong legs!”

These were just a few of the funnier moments in our lives this year. The kids are always saying or doing the funniest things to crack us up. The best part is it always lightens the mood and we love laughing together. I hope you’ve enjoyed these stories! Laughter is good medicine! Will you make it a point to include laughter every day in your own life? I’d love to hear your funniest stories from 2018 so please share below in the comments or join the discussion thread on Facebook. 💙

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