How to Win Your Husband Without Saying A Word

Have you ever disagreed with your husband? It’s one thing to disagree about toilet paper placement or how to squeeze the toothpaste tube, but it’s another when every conversation leads to an argument. Before you know it, you’re constantly fighting and neither of you remember what even started the fight. That doesn’t make for a fun-loving marriage.

Lori from Always Learning is joining us today to share  how to win your husband without saying a word.
By Lori Alexander 

People seek help from marriage counselors for 20 years instead of simply being obedient to the Word of God. I see many women who drag their husbands to counselors, psychologists, and marriage retreats trying to repair their marriages. Their marriages continue to grow worse and worse. They can’t understand why when they are trying so hard. They read all the marriage books and still, nothing seems to work. They grow desperate and afraid.

Obedience to God’s Word is the pathway to the marriage that they want, yet few are willing to obey it. God’s Word tells women they can win their husbands without a word. God tells them to submit to and obey their husbands. Many women don’t want to try God’s way even when their way hasn’t worked for 20 years. They believe if they can just fix their husbands, their marriages will be good.

On the other hand, I have mentored some of these women. They have broken hearts. They truly do want a good marriage but have been given wrong information. They have never been told to win their husbands without a word, submit to, and obey them. They have teachable hearts and want to try and obey God.

Is it easy? No, but I have seen it work every time it has been put into practice. I spend a lot of time with them renewing their minds with God’s truth reminding them that they can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens them and ALL things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

None of these women are consistently in the Word so I encourage them to read a chapter out of the Bible every day. “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.” I encourage them to read Philippians, Ephesians, and Colossians so they understand who they are in Christ and the power that raised Christ from the dead dwells inside of them.

They need to focus upon God’s Word. God’s Word gives them hope. The world tells them there is no hope; maybe even leave the guy since it’s hopeless. The world tells them the opposite. I tell them the Truth. With God, ALL things are possible and He promises to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.

My words are weak and powerless. His words are strong and powerful, that is why I try to use His words as much as possible. His words don’t come back void. Know His Word. Teach His Word. Give them hope.


Lori has been married for 34 years. She has four grown children who walk in Truth and two precious grandchildren. All of her children are happily married to godly spouses. She loves teaching women to be sober, to love their husbands and children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient to their husbands as the Bible instructs her to do. Her blog is a personal teaching blog sharing what she has seen work from God’s Word in her life and the lives of many others. “A wise man will hear, and will increase in learning…” (Proverbs 1:5).


 Lori would love for you to follow her blog or on Facebook. If you enjoyed this post, we would love for you to share it!

One comment

  1. Joyce Bellamy says:

    Please I Love My Husband and Miss him So Much it’s been 3months.He left Me for Some one Who had more Money than Me I Pray Tha t she be remove from our Lives. PRAY for my Husband to come home to Me.😭😫😢😩😩😩😢😢😢😥😥😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😍😍

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