Tips to Tidy Up Your Home


Are you tired of the toys strewn about your home? 

Is the mess too much? 

Keep on reading for tips to tidy up your home!

We recently transitioned the twins out of their crib and into a big boy bed. They were sharing a room with their two big sisters which was amazing until they began climbing out of their crib during the night! It was time to move them out and into a twin bed. 

  We always planned on all four of our boys sharing a room once the twins outgrew the crib and this month was the time for transition!

The boys had an excessive amount of toys in their room, which they never cleaned up and they inevitably ended up forgetting them outside underneath the truck tires! I was sick of broken toys and messes! Hubs and I decided they could keep their Legos and trains and we would build them a train table with storage space under earth.

  The crib went to a new home, the boys are sharing a bunk bed (big boys on top, babies on bottom), and a truckload of toys went to a thrift store! Mama’s happy now and so is everyone else!

Here are 3 Tips to Tidy Up Your Home:

  1. Toss the trash! Get rid of those broken toys and games with missing pieces. They take up space and no one plays with them anyway.
  2. Clear the clutter! If you haven’t used it in 6 months, get rid of it! This goes for clothes, shoes, toys, etc. 
  3. Set boundaries! Give your kids guidelines and let them know if they leave toys out, they won’t be around long. In our home, we give them a warning to pick up a toy and put it away and if they don’t listen and obey right away, then the toy will end up in the trash or giveaway bag. They know I’m serious because I always keep a bag next to our fireplace marked “Donate” and I don’t  hesitate to put those forgotten toys in there.
  4. Make their clothing easily accessible! We encourage responsibility in our kids at a young age and they often help with laundry. One of their chores is to put their own clothes away so we make this as easy as possible for them. The younger kids have the lower dresser drawers and the older kids have the higher dresser drawers. I’ll hang their dress clothes up but the rest is up to them! It’s a good little system for us.?



Everything has a place, we are clutter free, and mama is happy! Everyone’s a winner this time! 

I hope you enjoyed these tips. What tips do you have for keeping a clutter-free home?

Share your tips in the comments below!

Until next time,

The Farm Wyfe

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