Give, Save, Live

guest post

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ”  2 Corinthians 9:7

Three Mason jars sit in the kitchen windowsill, tucked between an overgrown aloe plant and a dying succulent. Chalkboard labels on each describe their purpose –Give, Save, Live. After monies for chores are awarded, the kids separate their coins into each jar. Most of the time they look forward to it because it’s exciting for them to have money, but sometimes it’s not.

One day in particular, I remember my son proudly holding his hard-earned coins in his hand knowing he accomplished a job well done. I prodded him to drop his coins into each jar but he clenched the coins tighter, pulling his fist closer to his chest. After much cajoling, he finally outstretched his little arm releasing one coin at a time, the clinking sound as they fell to the bottom of the jar satisfying my heart but causing toddler-sized tears to slide down his face.

Read the rest here.

Today I’m privileged to be sharing about giving over at Sweet to the Soul ministries. Hop on over there to finish today’s devotion and follow Jana and her team on facebook.

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