Are You Living a Fragrant Life?

TGT post following JesusAnd the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. (John 12:3, NIV)

The mountain of laundry beckoned to me, begging me to fold each piece and put it away. Sighing, I pushed away my half-eaten breakfast and started in on the pile. The twins flew past me, one pushing the other in an empty laundry basket, heads tossed back and laughter erupting from their pint-sized bodies. I cracked a smile at their energy, half wishing they could share some with me. The girls tidied their bedroom so we could quickly finish chores and play outdoors in the glorious, warm sunshine.

The pile of clothes slowly transformed into neatly folded stacks. Just before I called the girls to help put them away, I noticed silence had fallen over the house. I no longer heard little boy laughter, and I knew this meant trouble.

Hushed whispers from the kitchen directed my steps.

“Girls!” I called, coming around the kitchen corner and colliding with my daughter.

“Mama! The twins—” she exclaimed, rubbing her forehead where she’d bumped into me.

“What is that smell?” I said, peering past her in search of the source.

Continue Reading at The Glorious Table.

TGT post we dont realize our unpleasant scent

Join me this morning as I share over at The Glorious Table about a horrible smell we encountered, thanks to our darling twin boys making a mess in the kitchen, and how the Lord used it to remind me our lives can be pleasant and fragrant or less pleasant and we don’t even realize it. Read the rest and let me know the fragrance of your life.


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The Glorious Table debuted in October 2015 by a group of amazing women intent on encouraging others with their real life stories and application. If you’re looking for daily encouragement, follow the The Glorious Table on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or subscribe to have daily content sent straight to your email!


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